
Google can remind you where you went in 2018

Click the 3-line menu in upper left and choose “Your Timeline.” Click Year to drop down your choices and choose 2018. That's all it takes to ...

Google Maps Timeline

It displays the exact times that you were on the move. It even guesses the names of the buildings you entered. Without any effort on my part, ...

Google Maps Timeline

Google Maps Timeline is a personal map that helps you remember routes and trips you've taken and places you've been based on your Location History.

Google Maps Timeline

Google Maps Timeline is a personal map that helps you remember routes and trips you've taken and places you've been based on your Location History.

2018 的足跡有多精彩? Google 地圖「你的時間軸」幫你回顧!

當2018 結束後,回想起來你覺得你的2018 精彩嗎?別擔心,「Google 地圖」可以幫你回顧你的精彩旅程!「Google 地圖」中有個「你的時間軸」服務,原來就忠實地 ...

your Maps Timeline

沒有這個頁面的資訊。 · 瞭解原因

Google Maps Timeline

沒有這個頁面的資訊。 · 瞭解原因

What is happening to Google Timeline? : rGoogleMaps

They are rolling it out over time. Others have said just to be safe for now go to google takeout and download your timeline/location/maps data.

Help! Google Maps Timeline Disappeared After Update

To download your timeline that might still be online go to https://takeout.google.com/settings/takeout and only select Location History ( ...

The Google Maps 'Your Timeline' Feature

Google Maps provides a wealth of useful information about places you've never visited before, but what about the locations you HAVE visited?


Clickthe3-linemenuinupperleftandchoose“YourTimeline.”ClickYeartodropdownyourchoicesandchoose2018.That'sallittakesto ...,Itdisplaystheexacttimesthatyouwereonthemove.Itevenguessesthenamesofthebuildingsyouentered.Withoutanyeffortonmypart, ...,GoogleMapsTimelineisapersonalmapthathelpsyourememberroutesandtripsyou'vetakenandplacesyou'vebeenbasedonyourLocationHistory.,GoogleMapsTimelineisapersonalmap...